Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Shellac vs. OPI Gel


As trends appear in the industry we are attempting to keep everyone up to date on the changes and benefits to everything that is out there. Trending now in the nail fashion industry are Shellacs and OPI Gel. Many of our clients have expressed and interest in these services but are unaware of what the differences are. This week's blog will clear up the confusion.

Shellac and Gel: The similarities
  • wear-ablility lasts up to two weeks
  • cures onto nails for immediate drying
  • multiple choices of color
  • less damaging than acrylics or longer wear gels
Shellac: Differences
  • uses UV lights to cure polish onto nails
  • takes longer to cure color (two minutes per coat) 
OPI Gel: Differences
  • uses LED light to cure polish onto nails
  • takes only 30 seconds per coat to cure color

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