Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Beating Allergy Season

The snow has melted, the winter hats and scarves have been hung in the closet, the fluffy boots are beginning to collect dust in the corner. The sun is reappearing, the birds are beginning to sing and the days are beginning to warm. Yes ladies and gents, spring has sprung. And while many of us are happy to bid winter adieu, many of us are not looking forward to greeting a familiar foe of springtime: allergy attacks. Some manage to suffer mildly, with only minor agitation, while others end up as sniffling, sneezing messes. But Artistic Designs offers a glimmer of hope this allergy season in our newest massage addition: Sinus Massage.

Sinus massage focuses or the sinus cavities located around the eyes and ears, as well as incorporating the scalp and neck to help assist in drainage and pressure relief for sinus pressure and congestion. Massage stimulates movement of congestion and can help break up and move out the buildup associated with congestion from allergies. Massages are offered in 30 and 60 minute sessions, so call Dawn today to book yours and start fighting back against those allergens today!!

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